Thomas Huhti

About the Author

Thomas Huhti is a native Cheesehead who wound up studying in China during university (wanderlust has been a familial curse) which ultimately led to a five-year stint traveling the globe and living out of a backpack. A fortuitous meeting with a travel writer on a Chinese mountain opened his eyes to the possibilities of combining travel and writing, his two loves, as a career.

Half a decade of wandering the world made him long for his birthplace, about which he realized he knew precious little. Thomas’s four-year pilgrimage around the state to research the first edition of Moon Wisconsin was a gift for his parents, worthy Badgers both. Ultimately, he discovered he bled Badger red and understood where “home” really was.

Now it’s a lifelong labor of love (at least outside of deadline crunch times). With the tent drying in the back of the car and a Brewers game on the radio, Thomas can be found wandering Wisconsin’s highways, searching for the next hidden spot to uncover.

By the Author