Learn to Timber Frame

Craftsmanship, Simplicity, Timeless Beauty


By Will Beemer

Foreword by Jack A. Sobon

Formats and Prices




$32.00 CAD




Hardcover $25.00 $32.00 CAD

The elegant simplicity of timber frame construction is made accessible to all levels of builders with step-by-step building instructions for one small, easy-to-build timber frame cabin, along with plans for modifying it to suit particular needs and locations.

The first guide to timber framing written specifically for beginners! Expert Will Beemer takes you through the entire process from start to finish, beginning with timber sourcing and ending with a finished building. Using full-color photos, detailed drawings, and clear step-by-step instructions, Beemer shows you exactly how to build one small (12ʹ x 16ʹ) timber-frame structure — suitable for use as a cabin, workshop, or studio. He also explains how to modify the structure to suit your needs and location by adding a loft, moving doors or windows, changing the roof pitch, or making the frame larger or smaller. You’ll end up with a beautiful building as well as solid timber-framing skills that you can use for a lifetime.

On Sale
May 3, 2016
Page Count
192 pages

Will Beemer

About the Author

Will Beemer (1949-2022) was a founding member of the Timber Framers Guild (tfguild.org). A builder for more than 40 years, he and his wife, Michele, owned and operated the Heartwood School for the Homebuilding Crafts (heartwoodschool.com) until it was purchased by the Timber Framers Guild in 2019. Beemer taught timber framing around the world and was a regular contributor to Timber Framing and Fine Homebuilding.


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