Everything You Need to Know Before You Call the Doctor


By Verena Corazza

By Renate Daimler

By Andrea Ernst

By Krista Federspiel

By Vera Herbst

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$45.00 CAD




Hardcover $29.95 $45.00 CAD

When should you get a second opinion? Are your symptoms serious? Should you call the doctor, go to the emergency room or just sleep it off? Everything You Need to Know Before You Call the Doctor answers these questions and more so you can make the right decisions to solve any medical problem quickly and efficiently.

The innovative organization allows readers to look up their medical conditions by symptom. If you have abdominal pains, the stomach section lists specific indicators, from pain in certain spots to indigestion to incessant stomach rumblings. It then suggests a course of action: seek help immediately, see Ulcers on page 632 or drink some milk and should the pain persist, call your doctor. The book also offers a dictionary of diseases and disorders. Each section presents a detailed explanation of what the condition is, its causes, common treatments and medications prescribed over-the-counter so readers know what to expect if they seek a physician’s help.

The preventive medicine chapter and the helpful advice throughout the book provide modern methods to help avoid illness and keep your body fit and healthy. This practical home guide covers every significant medical topic including pregnancy, birth, child rearing, aging, nursing, minor illnesses, serious diseases, both over the counter and prescribed medicine and much, much more.

On Sale
Jan 10, 1999
Page Count
828 pages