Buddha’s Diet

The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind


By Tara Cottrell

By Dan Zigmond

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There’s a lot you probably don’t know about the Buddha. For one, the real Buddha was thin. And before he became the “Enlightened One,” he was a pampered prince named Siddhartha. He tried dieting once and didn’t like it any more than you do. Instead, he sought a “middle way” between unhealthy overindulgence and unrealistic abstinence. The instructions he gave his monks about eating, more than 2,500 years ago, were surprisingly simple.

Fast forward to today, and modern science confirms what Buddha knew all along. It’s not what you eat that’s important, but when you eat. You don’t need to follow the latest fads or give up your favorite foods. You just have to remember a few guidelines that Buddha provided-guidelines that, believe it or not, will help you lose weight, feel better, and stop obsessing about food. Sure, Buddha lived before the age of doughnuts and French fries, but his wisdom and teachings endure, providing us with a sane, mindful approach to achieving optimum health.

  • “A science-based, spiritually inspired, time-tested guide to weight loss. Fascinating!”
    —Kim Barnouin, co-author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Skinny Bitch
    “Combining scientific data and ancient wisdom, this skillfully written book makes a compelling case: Buddha's instructions to monks on time-restricted eating make sense -- even for lay people like us. If you eat, you should read this book.”
    —Chade-Meng Tan, bestselling author of Search Inside Yourself
    “Scientists have known for years that time-restricted diets protect against obesity and other metabolic diseases. Buddha's Diet brings these findings to the world.”
    —Dr. Satchidananda Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences, one of the world's leading experts on time-restricted diets

On Sale
Sep 6, 2016
Page Count
240 pages
Running Press

Tara Cottrell

About the Author

Tara Cottrell is a writer, digital strategist, and mom. She consults and writes for lifestyle and wellness brands in Silicon Valley and is a well-being advocate for at-risk and foster youth. She is currently the web content manager at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. When she’s not working, writing, or parenting, she’s shoe shopping. She lives in Menlo Park, CA.

Dan Zigmond is a writer, data scientist, and Zen priest. He advises startups and venture capital firms about data and health. He is a contributing editor at Tricycle, the largest Buddhist magazine in North America, and teaches at Jikoji Zen Center, a small Buddhist temple in the Santa Cruz mountains. In May 2015, he was named one of “20 Business Geniuses You Need to Know” by Wired Magazine, as he frequently reminds his kids. He lives in Menlo Park, too.

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Dan Zigmond

About the Author

Dan Zigmond is a writer, data scientist, and Zen priest. As a former executive at Instagram, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft, he was named one of the “20 Business Geniuses You Need to Know” by Wired magazine. He is also the co-author of Buddha’s Diet: The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind. He lives with his family in Menlo Park, California.

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