Taylor’s Version

How Taylor Swift Captured our Hearts and Conquered the World


By Stephanie Burt

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A preeminent Harvard professor and poetry expert explains the artistry—and the celebrity—of Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift has become a peerless superstar, ceaselessly productive and internationally beloved. From her teen country debut to her world tour as the chair of the tortured poets department, Swift’s career and her creations have captivated and bewitched us, opening up new ways to see both her life and our own. 
In Taylor’s Version, the poet and literary scholar Stephanie Burt offers an insightful and heartfelt critical appreciation of Taylor Swift, her body of work, and the community that her art has fostered. Drawing from her 2024 Harvard course, Taylor Swift and Her World, as well as from her years as a Swiftie, Burt examines the purposes, talents, and energies Swift brings to her music and to her persona. She highlights the ways Swift’s work remains at once intimate and relatable, portraying people we feel that we know and people we wish we could be, from the first loves and girlhoods on Fearless through the public and private angst of Midnights. How does she do it (with a broken heart)?    
Tracing a path through the Eras, Taylor’s Version shows what Swift has created, how it works, and what it means. 

On Sale
Oct 14, 2025
Page Count
304 pages
Basic Books

Stephanie Burt

About the Author

Stephanie Burt is Donald P. and Katherine B. Loker Professor of English at Harvard University. Her work appears in the New York Times Book Review, the New Yorker, and the London Review of Books, among others. Her other books of poetry and literary criticism—fourteen in all—include We Are Mermaids, Advice from the Lights, and Don’t Read Poetry: A Book About How to Read Poems. She lives in Massachusetts.

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