Elle & Coach

Diabetes, the Fight for My Daughter's Life, and the Dog Who Changed Everything


By Stefany Shaheen

With Mark Dagostino

Read by Stefany Shaheen

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The endearing true story of a Type-A mom struggling to care for a daughter who has Type 1 diabetes–and the incredible service dog who changes their lives for the better.

Stefany Shaheen takes readers on an emotional journey as she tries everything to manage her daughter Elle’s deadly and unpredictable disease, all while juggling a family of four children. Overcoming the skepticism that a dog can provide answers that medical science is still seeking, the family finds a resounding sense of peace and reassurance through Coach’s near miraculous abilities as a medic-alert dog, specially trained to detect dangerous changes in blood sugar levels. Elle & Coach is a story of determination and finding hope in the most unlikely of places.

On Sale
Aug 25, 2015
Hachette Audio

Stefany Shaheen

About the Author

Stefany Shaheen has dedicated herself to making life better for people living with diabetes. A Harvard graduate, she launched a company to help those with chronic conditions better manage eating and exercise. She is on the Board of Trustees at Joslin Diabetes Center, served as the National Chair for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Children’s Congress, and currently serves on the Foundation’s Research and Advocacy Committee. She is a key spokesperson for her mother, Jeanne Shaheen, U.S. Senator and former New Hampshire Governor, and currently serves on the City Council for the City of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where she and her husband, Craig Welch, live with their four children.

Mark Dagostino is a New York Times bestselling co-author, and a former Senior Writer for People magazine. He also lives in New Hampshire.

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