Garden Bulbs for the South


By Scott Ogden

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$52.95 CAD


Trade Paperback (Revised)


Trade Paperback (Revised) $34.95 $52.95 CAD

There are hundreds of choice bulbs that revel in southern warmth and humidity, and Scott Ogden profiles the best of them in this fascinating, comprehensive volume. In a series of chapters that takes us through the gardening year, Ogden introduces the plants that help to give southern gardens their distinct regional flavor, many with charmingly descriptive names: rain lilies, oxblood lilies, jonquils, crinums, and scores of others. Weaving in bits of history and lore, Ogden details each plant's appearance and growing requirements. Originally published to widespread acclaim in 1994, Garden Bulbs for the South has been updated and significantly expanded in this edition to include information on new varieties as well as nearly one hundred new photographs.

This book is only available through print on demand. All interior art is black and white.

  • “Author Scott Ogden weaves a welcoming web of personal observations, common sense, historical references, lore, and inspiration.” —Ornamental Outlook

On Sale
May 3, 2013
Page Count
396 pages
Timber Press

Scott Ogden

About the Author

Scott Ogden, along with his wife Lauren, has been featured on several television shows and in numerous publications, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Nature, Martha Stewart Living, Sunset, and Horticulture. Awards include two American Horticultural Society book awards and a landscape design award from the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Before making horticulture and garden design his life's work, Scott studied geology and paleontology at Yale.

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