Capital, Power, And Inequality In Latin America


By Sandor Halebsky

By Richard L Harris

Edited by Elizabeth W Dore

Edited by John Kirk

Edited by Michael Kearney

Formats and Prices




Trade Paperback


Trade Paperback $46.00

Over the last two decades, economic, political, and social life in Latin America has been transformed by the region's accelerated integration into the global economy. Although this transformation has tended to exacerbate various inequities, new forms of popular expression and action challenging the contemporary structures of capital and power have also developed.This volume is a comprehensive, genuinely comparative text on contemporary Latin America. In it, an international group of contributors offer multidimensional analyses of the historical context, contemporary character, and future direction of rural transformation, urbanization, economic restructuring, and the transition to political democracy. In addition, individual essays address the changing role of women, the influence of religion, the growth of new social movements, the struggles of indigenous peoples, and ecological issues. Finally, the book examines the influence of U.S. policy and of regionalization and globalization on the Latin American states.

On Sale
Oct 13, 1995
Page Count
336 pages
Avalon Publishing

Sandor Halebsky

About the Author

Sandor Halebsky is professor of sociology at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He co-edited Cuba in Transition: Crisis and Transformation (Westview Press 1992). Richard L. Harris is chair of the faculty at Golden Gate University in Monterey, California. He is one of the coordinating editors of the journal Latin American Perspectives and the author of Marxism, Socialism, and Democracy in Latin America (WestviewPress 1992). Michael Kearney is professor of anthropology at the University of California at Riverside.

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