Comeback Cities

A Blueprint For Urban Neighborhood Revival


By Paul Grogan

By Tony Proscio

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Comeback Cities shows how innovative, pragmatic tactics for ameliorating the nation’s urban ills have produced results beyond anyone’s expectations, reawakening America’s toughest neighborhoods. In the past, big government and business working separately were unable to solve the inner city crisis. Today, a blend of public-private partnerships, grassroots nonprofit organizations, and a willingness to experiment characterize what is best among the new approaches to urban problem solving. Pragmatism, not dogma, has produced the charter-school movement and the police’s new focus on “quality of life” issues. The new breed of big city mayors has welcomed business back into the city, stressed performance and results at city agencies, downplayed divisive racial politics, and cracked down on symptoms of social disorder. As a consequence, America’s inner cities are becoming vital communities once again.

On Sale
Dec 18, 2001
Page Count
320 pages
Basic Books

Paul Grogan

About the Author

Paul Grogan has been a leader in revitalizing America’s cities for over twenty years. He has directed a number of major nonprofits that channel funds to grassroots, inner-city community groups. He now serves as President of The Boston Foundation.

A former associate editor of the Miami Herald, Tony Proscio is a consultant to foundations and civic organizations and a freelance writer on urban affairs. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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