The Story of Christmas


By Patricia A. Pingry

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  1. Board book $7.99 $11.99 CAD
  2. Trade Paperback $4.99 $6.49 CAD

A classic bestseller presented in a new size with fresh, bright illustrations. Here is the story of the Nativity told in 200 words that are simple enough for a toddler to understand. From the Annunciation by the angel through Jesus’s birth, the angels’ appearance to the shepherds, and the journey of the wise men, the Christmas story is presented in its most traditional form. Vibrant new illustrations are paired with classic text to bridge the connection between the biblical story of Jesus’s birth and today’s Christmas celebration. This book is unsurpassed as an introduction to the significance of the Christmas holiday. Ages 2-5.

On Sale
Aug 25, 2010
Page Count
22 pages

Patricia A. Pingry

About the Author

Patricia A. Pingry has written dozens of children’s books and edited hundreds more. Among her best-known titles are the perennial bestsellers The Story of Christmas and The Story of Easter. Together, these two titles have sold well over two million copies. Patricia lives in Nashville, Tennessee.

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