Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters

How to Get Over the Drama and Live Your Best Life!


By Natasha Munson

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Motivational speaker Natasha Munson offers techniques for taking action to change your financial, spiritual, and emotional life for the better. Searching for a life blessed with peace and happiness? Longing to move past old expectations and learn to live in the moment? Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters takes readers one step beyond the advice found in Munson’s successful first book, Life Lessons for My Sisters, by reminding them not only of the basic truths of life (“Forgiving Is Power”; “This Too Shall Pass”) but also showing them the path to a happier, more fulfilling life through spirituality. Munson offers strategies to help women remove themselves from the drama, issues, obstacles, negative people, bad environments, and fears that are holding them back from creating the life they have always wanted. From basic lessons like “Be Careful Who You Hang Around” and “Life Is About Timing,” to more complex advice like “Leave a Legacy” and “Patience Is a Form of Faith,” Spiritual Lessons for My Sisters is the perfect complement to Munson’s Life Lessons and belongs on the shelves of African American women of all ages.

On Sale
May 2, 2006
Page Count
208 pages

Natasha Munson

About the Author

Natasha Munson is a motivational speaker with a focus on empowering the community one spirit at a time. She is the author of Life Lessons for My Sisters and serves as the director of Culture Kids educational program and On Faith Publishing, which assists authors with writing and promotion. She resides in Atlanta, GA, with her two daughters.

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