More Than A Movie

Ethics In Entertainment


By Miguel Valenti

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Hardcover $45.00

In More Than a Movie, producer and entertainment attorney F. Miguel Valenti presents a compelling argument for the creative community to consider the consequences of its products, from movies to TV to the Internet. Valenti refrains from attacking the industries in which he himself works, but argues for reflection on the part of those who create media. More Than a Movie takes a pioneering first step toward outlining the issues in an insider fashion, and provides the tools to make ethical decisions about creating for the big and small screens. Edited by veteran media writer Les Brown and media consultant Laurie Trotta, More Than a Movie is written to stimulate debate in professional and academic arenas, and for the enjoyment of everyone who loves entertainment. The book contains a foreword by noted author and director Peter Bogdanovich, and commentary from producers Christine Vachon and David Brown. Mediascope, a Studio City, California-based media policy organization, commissioned the book upon discovering that ethical discussions seldom occur in film and television schools, although they are staples for studying law, medicine, business and journalism. Issues range from ethnic and gender stereotyping to excessive and gratuitous violence.”It's not about censorship — it's about having a responsibility for what we do,” says author Valenti (no relation to MPAA's Jack Valenti). “The book outlines how we are helping to shape societal values and individual behavior with the artistic choices we make.” A team of writers from across the nation offer essays: Neil Hickey, editor, Columbia Journalism Review ; Annette Insdorf, Columbia University; Ted Pease, professor and columnist; Jack Pitman, Variety; Martin Koughan, Emmy Award-winning documentarian. The essays in More Than a Movie are interspersed with stories of actual ethical dilemmas told by noted screenwriters, directors and other practitioners in interviews by Manhattan writer Laura Blum.

On Sale
Oct 31, 2000
Page Count
304 pages
Avalon Publishing

Miguel Valenti

About the Author

F. Miguel Valenti is a Los Angeles-based filmmaker, talent manager, and entertainment attorney. He created and taught two film courses at Yale College, and has lectured and written on the entertainment industry. His most recent credits include Vig (aka The Money Kings) with Peter Falk, Lauren Holly, Timothy Hutton and Freddie Prinze, Jr., and the award-winning Master of the Manor.

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