My Middle-Aged Baby Book

A Place to Write Down All the Things You'll Soon Forget


By Mary-Lou Weisman

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Hardcover $12.95 $17.95 CAD

First lost tooth. First colonoscopy. First second mortgage. First chin hair. First comb-over. All of these memorable firsts belong in MY MIDDLE-AGED BABY BOOK: A Place to Write Down All the Things You’ll Soon Forget. A padded and chewable keepsake with room to write in significant firsts, it’s a perfect gift for a milestone birthday, when you’re old enough not to take yourself too seriously.

A comic classic, My Middle-Aged Baby Book is the irrepressibly cheeky celebration of middle age in the form of a fill-in baby book—and the perfect gift for both women (“Is it hot in here, or is it just me?”) and men (remember, it’s prostate not prostrate). It’s a place to record firsts: my first colonoscopy, my first reading glasses, my first words (“everything hurts”). Vital statistics: including married name(s), circumference of abdomen, cholesterol count (bad HDLs, good HDLs). Primary caregivers: urologist, periodontist, colorist. It explains the Seven Stages of Hair Loss, answers the question Am I Smiling . . . or Is It Gas?, covers Sex? (Check one: Yes, No, Can’t Remember), and what happens When I Grow Up—go ahead, be a burden to your children!

And for everyone who forgot where they put their reading glasses, the book is thoughtfully printed on anti-glare paper in large, easy-to-read type.


On Sale
Sep 10, 2013
Page Count
88 pages

Mary-Lou Weisman

About the Author

Mary-Lou Weisman is a journalist and author whose books include Intensive Care: A Family Love Story, Traveling While Married, and Al Jaffee’s Mad Life. Her essays, feature articles, interviews, and reviews have appeared in The New Republic, Newsweek,Glamour, Vogue, The Atlantic, and The New York Times. She lives with her husband in Westport, Connecticut.

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