Grow Great Vegetables in New York


By Marie Iannotti

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Get the Inside Dirt, New York!Grow Great Vegetables in New York is the ultimate guide to growing food in the Empire State! This must-have guide to growing vegetables, fruits, and herbs provides you with insider advice on climate zones, average frost dates, and growing season details. Information includes details on sun, soil, fertilizer, mulch, water, and the best varieties for your region. A garden planning section helps with design and crop rotation, and monthly lists explain what to do from January through December. In-depth profiles of fifty best edibles help ensure a can’t-miss harvest.

  • Grow Great Vegetables in New York will inspire you to unearth your gardening gloves and trowel and get outside. This book includes all the know-hows of sun, soil, fertilizer, mulch, water, and the best plant options for your specific region.” —Chronogram

On Sale
Apr 16, 2019
Page Count
244 pages
Timber Press

Marie Iannotti

Marie Iannotti

About the Author

Marie Iannotti is an avid gardener, writer, photographer, and speaker. She is a master gardener emeritus, as well as a former Cornell Cooperative Extension Horticulture educator. She was the gardening expert at for over a decade, and her writing has been featured in outlets nationwide. You can find out more at

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