Death’s Redemption


By Marie Hall

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As a Seer, Mila O’Fallen is one of the last humans capable of channeling visions of the past and future. The one thing she can’t see is her own fate, but she knows it’s grim. All types of ruthless, supernatural creatures want to use her abilities, and they will do anything to gain access to her powers. When vampires descend upon her, it looks like the end-until a formidable figure appears. She feels a connection to him that is instant, unearthly, and explosive.

Grim reaper Frenzy never thought he would see the eyes of his lover again. She was murdered centuries ago, but her amber eyes are alive in Mila. Though it’s not his job to protect humanity, something tells him protecting this human is what he was born to do. Yet vampires are the least of their worries. Frenzy and Mila quickly learn that a dark force is matching their every step. And even as they crave each other, the darkness craves them . . .

  • "Well written, heart wrenching new adult story. Ryan reminds me of my Drew in ways..."
    New York Times bestselling author Monica Murphy on A MOMENT
  • "A beautiful, sorrowful, well-written piece with extremely dark moments, but with bittersweet and extremely sweet moments, too."
    Maryse, Maryse's Book Blog on A MOMENT

On Sale
Jun 3, 2014
Page Count
336 pages
Forever Yours

Marie Hall

About the Author

Marie Hall has always held a dangerous fascination for creatures that go bump in the night. And mermaids. And of course fairies. Trolls. Unicorns. Shapeshifters. Vampires. Scottish brogues. Kilts. Beefy arms. Ummm . . . bad boys! Especially the sexy ones.

Then the day came she realized apart from the sexy bad boy she married, there’d be no vampires/shapeshifters/mermaids/fairies/or even stinky trolls in her future unless she wrote about them. More often than not she can be found roaming the wild, lush tropical forest she calls her backyard (a.k.a. Hawaii) and daydreaming constantly about her latest project.

Her Mad Hatter is the first book of her Kingdom Series.

She loves to hear from her readers and can be reached at

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