Get on Your Knee Replacements and Pray!

If You're Not Dead, You're Not Done


By Kris Kandel Schwambach

By Karen Kandel Kizlin

By Kathie Kandel Poe

By Linda Kandel Mason

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$19.50 CAD

Blending humor and faith, the four Kandel sisters encourage senior adults to be mission focused and never let age block opportunities to serve and minister to others.

With wry humor, they inspire you to investigate possibilities for your next assignment from God. If you have retired or are considering retirement, you will chuckle as they motivate you to look into new opportunities to serve God with that unhinged schedule, wisdom gained from experience, and perhaps even some discretionary income.

Cheerleaders encouraging the no-longer-young to stay in the game, the Kandels let you laugh out loud at their own real-life mishaps. They prove that age isn’t years, it is mind-set, and they offer a lighthearted challenge to seek new ways to serve God.

Do not let your number of birthdays stand in the way of your eternal impact. The big music for intentional, mission-focused living can begin even when you are well advanced in years.

On Sale
Apr 2, 2019
Page Count
224 pages

Kris Kandel Schwambach

About the Author

Kathie Kandel Poe, Karen Kandel Kizlin, Kris Kandel Schwambach, and Linda Kandel Mason are four sisters — three of whom are triplets — who teach, write, and speak in church settings. They live in Southern Indiana near Louisville, Kentucky.

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