Raising Your Child’s Inner Self-esteem

The Authoritative Guide From Infancy Through The Teen Years


By Karen Owens

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This invaluable guide is designed to help parents and counselors build self-esteem in children from infancy through adolescence, fortifying them with a healthy sense of self-esteem for the rest of their lives. Whereas some professionals are content to teach parents about building only outer self-esteem, as in parents unconditionally praising the children, Dr. Owens believes it is also essential to bolster a child’s inner self-esteem. This way a child feels good from within, knows objectively that he’s doing a good job, and is not solely dependent on the praise of others. While Dr. Owens believes strongly that parents must give children unconditional love, she is well aware that the world can be a harsh and difficult place. Therefore, she shows that the best gift a parent can give one’s children is the tools to acquire the skills and behavior that will enable them to feel good about themselves – from within. This unique book imparts vital information on how parents can instill a sense of pride in their child each step of the way as the child’s mind grows in perception and logic. Dr. Owens explains what behavior to expect from children at each developmental stage. She also supplies ample questionnaires so parents can determine the state of their children’s sense of self-esteem. Most important, she wisely recognizes the needs of special groups of children. She thus offers specific advice for boosting the self-esteem of children who are shy, aggressive, unpopular, learning disabled, or gifted, as well as adopted children, only children, and children of working mothers, divorced parents, step-families, single parents, and same-sex parents.

On Sale
Jul 11, 2003
Page Count
372 pages

Karen Owens

About the Author

Dr. Karen Owens is the founder and Director of Preventive Diagnostic Services, a testing assessment service for parents. She is currently a professor of psychology at the College of Lake County in Illinois.

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