Reversing Heart Disease

A Vital New Program to Help, Treat, and Eliminate Cardiac Problems Without Surgery


By Julian Whitaker, MD

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  2. Trade Paperback $24.99 $31.99 CAD

Drawing on nearly 20 years of experience, Julian Whitaker examines modern medicines’s latest diagnostic techniques, treatment, and drugs and offers up improvements to his own comprehensive cardiac programme.

On Sale
Mar 1, 2002
Page Count
512 pages

Julian Whitaker, MD

About the Author

Julian M. Whitaker, MD, trained as a surgeon, has practiced medicine for over 25 years. Thousands of patients from all over the country have visited his Whitaker Wellness Institute in Newport Beach, CA. Founder and past president of the American Preventive Medical Association, he is regarded as one of the country’s premier exponents of preventive medicine. Dr. Whitaker is the author of six books.

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