Suddenly Single Mom

52 Messages of Hope, Grace, and Promise


By Jeanette Hanscome

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  1. Trade Paperback $19.99 $25.99 CAD
  2. ebook $14.99 $19.99 CAD

Raising your children alone may not have been your plan, but these 52 encouragements will support and inspire you to thrive in your new role.

On Sale
Mar 22, 2016
Page Count
240 pages
Worthy Inspired

Jeanette Hanscome

About the Author

Jeanette Hanscome is an author, writing teacher, speaker, and busy mom. Her work has been featured by Focus on the Family, Standard Publishing, Walk Thru the Bible, and Lifeway. She enjoys cooking, knitting, reading, studying the Bible, and spending time with her two incredible sons. Jeanette was born with a rare vision disorder called Achromatopsia, which means she has no color vision, is extremely light sensitive, and has visual acuity in the legally blind range. Jeanette lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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