How Did This Happen?

Terrorism And The New War


By James F. Hoge, Jr.

By Gideon Rose

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Trade Paperback $21.99 $28.99 CAD

In the aftermath of the terrorist attack on September 11, one question has been on everyone’s mind: “How did this happen?” This book seeks to answer this question in all its critical aspects — the motives and actions of the terrorists, the status of the U.S. military, the context of the Middle East, bioterrorism, airport security, diplomatic pressures — and to provide readers with perspective, information, and sound interpretation. The editors of Foreign Affairs have brought together noted experts whose insights make the events of that terrible day more understandable, even as we steel ourselves for the conflicts ahead.

On Sale
Dec 10, 2001
Page Count
352 pages

James F. Hoge, Jr.

About the Author

James F. Hoge, Jr., is the editor of Foreign Affairs and was previously publisher of the New York Daily News and editor and publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times.

Gideon Rose, the managing editor of Foreign Affairs, has served on the staff of the National Security Council and has taught at Princeton and Columbia universities.

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