Kickass Healthy LADA

How to Thrive with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults


By Jacqueline Haskins

Foreword by Dr. Maury Hafermann

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$17.99 CAD

Nautilus Book Awards Silver Recipient

The award-winning first book for the general public on LADA (Latent Auto-immune Diabetes in Adults), endorsed by a former president of the American Diabetes Association, Kickass Healthy LADA is a fun, empathetic, and practical guide brimming with insights and inspiration. 
If you are one of the millions of Americans with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA), you may not even know it. You may be one of the ten percent of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes who actually have LADA. Even if you do know that you have LADA, sometimes called “diabetes 1.5,” you’re likely to be inundated with unhelpful advice and potentially harmful treatments, leaving you feeling confused and overwhelmed. That was Jacqueline Haskins’ experience.  After visiting five doctors before getting helpful guidance, and realizing there wasn’t a friendly “how-to” book meant for the general public about LADA—she decided to write one.
Winner of the 2023 American BookFest Award in Health and a 2023 Reader’s Favorite Five-Star selection, Kickass Healthy LADA is a welcoming, supportive book packed with practical strategies and tips that can be tailored to any lifestyle or heritage. This medically vetted go-to guide offers patients and their loved ones relief, hope, and critical information including: 
  • A detailed breakdown of the different diabetes diagnoses
  • What makes LADA different and how to find the best treatment team
  • Insulin: what it is, what it does, and how to know if we need more of this natural hormone
  • Tools for good health with LADA, including food and nutrition advice
  • Introducing Carb-Craft: how to safely enjoy the foods you love
 With a biologist’s keen eye, a patient-advocate’s tenacity, and the humor of a trusted friend, Jacqueline offers an essential toolkit for anyone diagnosed with LADA.


On Sale
Apr 4, 2023
Page Count
336 pages

Jacqueline Haskins

About the Author

Award-winning author and aquatic biologist Jacqueline Haskins holds an MS in Quantitative Ecology and an MFA in Creative Writing. Her work appears in Terrain, The Iowa Review, River Teeth, and many more. Jacqueline loves plunging into ice-cold mountain streams, cypress swamps, indie bookstores and craft beers. Connect on Facebook, Instagram (@healthylada), or on

Maury Hafermann, MD, graduated summa cum laude from Dartmouth College, and obtained his medical doctorate from the University of Washington, graduating with honors and as a member of the AOA Honor Society. Dr. Hafermann practiced as a family medicine specialist for over twenty years, and has an interest in auto-immune conditions such as LADA, and in medicinal nutrition. He lives near Leavenworth, WA.

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