Showing Poultry

A Complete Guide to Exhibiting Your Birds. A Storey BASICS® Title


By Glenn Drowns

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  2. Trade Paperback $8.95 $11.95 CAD

Expert Glenn Drowns offers all the information and guidance you need to successfully exhibit your poultry at fairs and expositions. Learn how to select the best breeds and birds for exhibition and how to raise them with the proper diet, health care, and handling so that they are at their best by showtime. Drowns includes a useful countdown to help you plan tasks, from pest prevention to cage training, as well as dozens of tips on what judges are looking for.


On Sale
Feb 5, 2016
Page Count
96 pages

Glenn Drowns

Glenn Drowns

About the Author

Glenn Drowns, author of Showing Poultry and Storey’s Guide to Raising Poultry, 4th Edition, and his wife conserve and promote rare breeds and varieties of turkeys, ducks, geese, and chickens at their Sand Hill Preservation Center in Calamus, Iowa. Drowns, a highly respected poultry judge, has raised standard turkey varieties since 1989, and he received the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy’s Breed Conservation Award in 1999 for his contributions to the identification and survival of rare turkeys.

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