Performance Based Budgeting


By Gerald Miller

By W. Bartley Hildreth

By Jack Rabin

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Trade Paperback


Trade Paperback $62.00

Performance Based Budgetingis the next volume in the ASPA Classics series. It covers the most influential, paramount research articles published on public budgeting and finance. The book will surely be of great interest and use to anyone concerned with public budgeting, and anyone enrolled in, or teaching, a course on this topic in an MPA program or a doctoral program in public administration, public affairs, political science, or economics/public finance.

On Sale
Jan 2, 2001
Page Count
520 pages
Avalon Publishing

Gerald Miller

About the Author

Gerald J. Miller is associate professor of public administration at Rutgers University. W. Bartley Hildreth is a professor of public finance at the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs, Wichita State University. Jack Rabin is a professor of public affairs at Penn State University. Gerald J. Miller is associate professor of public administration at Rutgers University. W. Bartley Hildreth is a professor of public finance at the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs, Wichita State University. Jack Rabin is a professor of public affairs at Penn State University. Gerald J. Miller is associate professor of public administration at Rutgers University. W. Bartley Hildreth is a professor of public finance at the Hugo Wall School of Urban and Public Affairs, Wichita State University. Jack Rabin is a professor of public affairs at Penn State University.

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