Dream It. List It. Do It!

How to Live a Bigger & Bolder Life, from the Life List Experts at 43Things.com


By Editors of 43 Things

By Lia Steakley

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ebook (Digital original) $9.99 $12.99 CAD

Dream It. List It. Do It! is the ultimate do-it-yourself guide to self-improvement. Drawing from the true stories and experiences of the 1.5 million registered users of 43things.com, a Webby Award–winning social networking site, Dream It. List It. Do It! works on the proven principle that creating a life list, sharing your progress, and checking things off as done gives a person momentum toward a bigger and bolder life. Dream It. List It. Do It! offers over 5,000 life-changing ideas drawn from real people and organized in 43 categories—like Travel More, Create, Do Something Daring, Ignite Change, Expand My Education, Save the Earth, Love My Job, Finish What I Start, Be Healthier, Fix My Finances, Live in the Moment. Fundamental to the whole enterprise are the book’s Ten Rules for Creating and Conquering a Life List, including #4 Maintain Between 20 and 43 Goals, #7 Make Your List Public, and #9 Document Progress. whether it’s playing the piano, learning how to do a handstand, cooking a perfect paella—or something much more central to one’s life, like "Be more spontaneous"—just putting a desired goal on your list is like shouting "Yes, I can!”"

On Sale
Dec 25, 2008
Page Count
430 pages

Editors of 43 Things

About the Author

43 Things began with three friends who wanted to start a company but didn’t know what that company should do. The Robots (as they call themselves) made lists of their own goals outside of work. When they began sharing their lists of goals, they discovered that sharing their lists was more exciting than the work they were contemplating. And so 43 Things was born.

Lia Steakley is a journalist and regular contributor to Seattle Metropolitan magazine and has written for wired and Business 2.0 magazines. She lives in Seattle.

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