Love, Mom

Poignant, Goofy, Brilliant Messages from Home


By Doree Shafrir

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I’m much older than my computer — are you suggesting that the older something is, the more uselss it becomes Because that’s what I’m hearing (although I’m not hearing it very well…..)
your old mom

Yes, I am a pest, but I just looked at Iowa weather and it will be 5 below Tuesday night. Hope you have a hat with ears.
Love you,

Sweet, funny, endearing, slightly technologically inept, and always just a little nagging, emails from mothers to their adult children are much more fun to read when it’s somebody else’s mother. is proof of that — when it launched, this repository of reader-submitted missives from Mom received more than 100,000 unique visitors in just the first two weeks. In Love, Mom, editors Doree Shafrir and Jessica Grose have assembled more than two hundred of the best never-before-seen submissions. From school, sex, technology, and appearance to health, work, holidays, and food — and complete with a selection of celebrity emails (including Oscar-winner Diablo Cody’s mom on her daughter’s “blob”), and sidebars throughout — Love, Mom is ultimately a reflection on how our moms are always our moms . . . no matter how the message is sent. “MY MOTHER SENDS ME EMAILS IN ALL CAPS SO IT ALWAYS SEEMS LIKE SHE IS YELLING. SO IN HER STYLE I WILL SAY, I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!” — Margaret Cho “Love, Mom is a hilarious look at what happens when interfering, maddening, kvetching, querying, and loving moms push the `send’ button. This is a great book for anyone who ever looked at her email inbox and said, `Oh, no–it’s from my mom.” — Amy Dickinson, author of The Mighty Queens of Freeville, “Ask Amy” syndicated advice columnist, and NPR contributor “This book is hilarious and smart–a wittily organized collection that proves, without a doubt, that our moms are humankind’s most natural comedians.” — Mike Albo, author of Hornito and The Underminer

On Sale
Apr 1, 2009
Page Count
272 pages

Doree Shafrir

About the Author

Doree Shafrir is a senior culture writer at BuzzFeed News and has written for New York Magazine, Slate, The Awl, Rolling Stone, Wired and other publications. A former resident of Brooklyn, she now lives in Los Angeles with her husband Matt Mira, a comedy writer and podcaster, and their dog Beau.

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