How to Knit Socks That Fit

Techniques for Toe-Up and Cuff-Down Styles. A Storey BASICS® Title


By Donna Druchunas

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  1. ebook $8.99 $11.99 CAD
  2. Trade Paperback $9.99 $12.99 CAD

Whether you’re working socks from the toe up or from the cuff down, designer Donna Druchunas’s complete, step-by-step instructions make sock knitting easy, enjoyable, and successful. You’ll learn several approaches for getting started, and you’ll also discover how to shape comfortable toes, create heels that fit, and ensure stretchy cuffs that can be counted on to keep your socks up. Druchunas’s useful tips and tricks include working confidently with double-pointed needles, knitting socks on one or two circular needles, and even knitting two socks at the same time. Once you’ve mastered these basic techniques, you can adapt them to create your own custom sock designs.


On Sale
Nov 3, 2015
Page Count
128 pages

Donna Druchunas

Donna Druchunas

About the Author

Donna Druchunas, author of How to Knit Socks That Fit, is the author of six knitting books, including Arctic Lace, Successful Lace Knitting, Kitty Knits, and Ethnic Knitting Exploration. She teaches knitting workshops in the United States, Canada, and Europe and has three online sock-knitting classes with more than 25,000 students on Craftsy. She lives in Vermont with her husband, mother, and three cats, who all help her test the usability and comfort of her finished knitted items.

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