The Sopranos (SM)

Selected Scripts from Three Seasons


By David Chase

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This must-have book for every fan of HBO’s hit show The Sopranos packs five scripts from the best episodes, handpicked by series creator David Chase.

The Sopranos is HBO’s TV show about your average New Jersey mafia capo, with major headaches. His mother wants him dead, his psychiatrist makes him nuts, and the FBI takes an unhealthy interest in his business. Here are the complete scripts from five of the best episodes:
  • “Pilot”-Tony’s shrink sessions focus on ducks in his swimming pool while he plans to blow up a restaurant.
  • “College”-While driving his daughter to college interviews, Tony discovers and garrotes a mob informant who betrayed his family.
  • “The Happy Wanderer”-David Scatino loses his son’s SUV to Tony in a high-stakes poker game.
  • “The Knight in White Satin Armor”-Tony’s Russian mistress attempts suicide, and his sister shoots her fiancé.
  • “Pine Barrens”-Christopher and Paulie try to dispose of a murdered Russian gangster who turns out to be very much alive.

On Sale
Jun 27, 2009
Page Count
336 pages

David Chase

About the Author

David Henry Chase is an American screenwriter, director, and producer. He is best known for writing and producing the HBO drama The Sopranos which aired for six seasons between 1999 and 2007. Chase has also produced and written for such shows as The Rockford Files, I’ll Fly Away, and Northern Exposure.

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