The Tetris Effect

The Game that Hypnotized the World


By Dan Ackerman

Read by Dan Ackerman

Formats and Prices


Audiobook Download (Unabridged)


Audiobook Download (Unabridged)

Tetris is perhaps the most instantly recognizable, popular video game ever made. But the fascinating story of its origins is lesser known. How did an obscure Soviet programmer, working on frail, antiquated computers, create a product that has earned nearly $1 billion in sales? How did an inspired, makeshift game turn into a worldwide sensation, which has been displayed at the Museum of Modern Art, inspired a Hollywood movie, and been played in outer space?

In this surprising, trivia-filled audiobook, tech reporter Dan Ackerman describes how, as a teenager behind the Iron Curtain, Alexey Pajitnov was struck with inspiration, then meticulously worked for years to bring the game he had envisioned to life. Ackerman shows how Tetris worked its way first through Pajitnov’s office and then out into the world, entrancing player after player with its hypnotic shapes. Then, tracing the stories of the British, American, and Japanese moguls who raced each other for the rights, Ackerman recounts the game’s complex and improbable path to global success. The Tetris Effect is an homage to both creator and creation, and a perfect gift for anyone who’s ever played the game-which is to say everyone.

On Sale
Sep 6, 2016
Hachette Audio

Dan Ackerman

About the Author

New York native Dan Ackerman is currently a section editor at the leading technology news site CNET, where he oversees a team running CNET’s New York gadget testing lab, reviews laptops and tablets, hosts videos, and writes about hot-button consumer technology topics.

He’s a well-known TV talking head, seen on CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox News, BBC News, ABC, CBS, and NBC News, and other outlets, and he regularly appears as an in-house technology expert on CBS This Morning. As a writer and columnist, Ackerman has contributed regularly to magazines, including Men’s Journal, Maxim, Blender, and Sync, and he’s previously served as a monthly technology columnist for both SPIN and WWE Magazine. As an industry expert, he’s been interviewed by or quoted in the New York Times, USA Today, the Atlantic, Mother Jones, Fast Company, and many other publications.

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