Aliens in Disguise


By Clete Barrett Smith

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Book 3 in the warm-hearted, hilarious Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast series.

When David’s grandma wins a hotelier award and goes to accept it on another planet, security officer Tate assumes full control of the Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast. His decision to put the alien tourists on total lockdown doesn’t go over well, however, and most of the guests vacate. Tate decides to retrieve Grandma, leaving David and his friend Amy home alone. Running the B& B when there are only a few guests should be a breeze, especially for two kids who saved the universe just a few weeks ago. But soon David and Amy (and alien pooch, Snarflle) are faced with such problems as a lost alien, a pair of gate-crashers, and a potential horde of UFO-watchers descending on the inn. Middle grade readers will be over the moon about this third kooky comedy featuring an assortment of hapless humans and admirable aliens.

  • "Smith again delivers a comedy that is sure to tickle the antennae of listeners who enjoy a good extraterrestrial story....Readers are quickly drawn into the plot."
    School Library Journal

On Sale
Apr 22, 2014
Page Count
256 pages

Clete Barrett Smith

About the Author

Clete Barrett Smith ( was a teacher for over ten years in Bellingham, WA and has won several screenwriting awards. It took him about two years to get from idea to book deal, sneaking in an hour or two in the afternoons and dedicating his Sundays to writing, all while working toward his master’s degree at Vermont College. He credits support from his wife, Myra, and two young daughters for getting him through the rigorous process. He used his experiences in the small towns and forested mountains of the Pacific Northwest when writing the Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast series.

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