It’s a Jungle Out There and a Zoo in Here

Run Your Home Business without Letting It Overrun You


By Cheryl Demas

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  2. Trade Paperback $19.99 $25.99 CAD

Erma Bombeck’s humor meets Jean Chatzky’s business sense in this practical guide to juggling a homebased business and a family.

Who better than the founder of, the highly popular Web site for work-at-home moms, and author of a widely read
column and cartoon about home office life to give effective advice about balancing a career and a family? In IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE AND A ZOO IN HERE, Cheryl Demas relays helpful and hilarious anecdotes about her own experiences leaving the Jungle (workplace) and entering the Zoo (home office).

Readers will discover how to plan based on personal circumstances; avoid scams; set up a workable home office and promote a business; juggle children and work demands; and more. Filled with Cheryl’s popular cartoons, this book is every working mother’s best friend.

On Sale
Sep 26, 2009
Page Count
240 pages
Business Plus

Cheryl Demas

About the Author

Author Cheryl Demas is the founder of, and a leading advocate for moms who wish to work-at-home while caring for their children. Demas and have been feature in BusinessWeek, USA Today, Newsweek, Forbes The Chicago Sun Times, and the LA Times, among others.

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