The Curse of the Were-Hyena

A Monstertown Mystery


By Bruce Hale

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What do you do when your favorite teacher starts turning into a were-hyena? a) Flee in terror? b) Try to cure him? c) Bring him carrion snacks? Mr. Chu, the coolest teacher ever, has developed some very unusual habits, like laughing hysterically for no reason, sniffing people’s homework, and chasing chickens. When best friends Carlos and Benny decide to find out what’s happening to him, they get caught up in some moonlight madness. And it looks like just the beginning of the weirdness that has arrived in the town of Monterrosa. . . . This first entry in a silly, sassy, and suspenseful new series will leave readers howling with laughter.


On Sale
Jul 4, 2016
Page Count
224 pages

Bruce Hale

About the Author

Bruce Hale ( is passionate about inspiring reluctant readers to read. He has written or illustrated more than thirty-five seriously funny books for children, including two other Monstertown Mysteries, the popular Chet Gecko Mysteries series, and the Clark the Shark picture bookseries.

An actor and a Fulbright Scholar in Storytelling, Bruce is in demand as a speaker, having presented at conferences, universities, and schools across North America and internationally. His acting resume includes regional commercials, theater, and an independent film, “The Ride”. Bruce’s book The Malted Falcon was an Edgar Award Finalist. Murder, My Tweet won the Little D Award for Humor Writing. He lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wife, Janette, and his sweet mutt, Riley.

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