Stalking God

My Unorthodox Search for Something to Believe In


By Anjali Kumar

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Anjali Kumar, a pragmatic lawyer for Google, was part of a rapidly growing population in America: highly spiritual but religiously uncommitted. But when her daughter was born, she became compelled to find God — or at least some kind of enlightenment.

Convinced that traditional religions were not a fit for her, and knowing that she couldn’t simply Google an answer to “What is the meaning of life?”, Kumar set out on a spiritual pilgrimage, looking for answers — and nothing was off limits or too unorthodox. She headed to the mountains of Peru to learn from the shamans, attended the techie haunt of Burning Man, practiced transcendental meditation, convened with angels, and visited saints, goddesses, witches, and faith healers. She even hired a medium to convene with the dead.

Kumar’s lighthearted story offers a revealing look at the timeless and vexing issue of spirituality in an era when more and more people are walking away from formal religions. Narrated from the open-minded perspective of a spiritual seeker rather than a religious scholar, Kumar offers an honest account of some of the less than mainstream spiritual practices that are followed by millions of people in the world today as she searches for the answers to life’s most universal questions: Why are we here? What happens when we die? Is there a God?

  • "Anjali Kumar is a spiritual omnivore. Her fearless sampling of everything on the menu is an inspiration."
    --AJ Jacobs, bestselling author of My Year of Living Biblically

  • "Anjali Kumar is both philosophical and brilliant, while also incredibly curious and quite funny. These attributes, paired with her gift for the written word, make Stalking God a fascinating read and will change how you think about religion and spirituality."
    --Bobbi Brown, founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics
  • "Candid and entertaining . . . A pleasantly thought-provoking memoir." --Kirkus
  • "With a skeptical outlook and an intrepid spirit, Kumar searches for God in the obscure, quirky, often humorous and sometimes just shy of terrifying backwaters of the spiritual landscape. Fellow nones, those with no affiliation to a particular religion, will appreciate this personal journey while secularists and believers will gain a better understanding of this growing demographic."
    Library Journal
  • "With a skeptical outlook and an intrepid spirit, Kumar searches for God in the obscure, quirky, often humorous and sometimes just shy of terrifying backwaters of the spiritual landscape. She arrives at a place where it just might be that getting on with the business of actually living is of the greatest spiritual value."
    Library Journal
  • "Anjali Kumar hunts for the holy while Stalking God."
    Vanity Fair (?Hot Type?)
  • "A fascinating journey"
    Marie Claire (?What We?re Reading?)
  • "Kumar is witty, thoughtful, and makes you want to be her best friend. From a silent retreat, to dabbling with mediums, to Burning Man, witches, and transcendental meditation, Kumar's memoir goes there, literally."
  • "It's a book that anyone seeking anything can relate to. And where it ends up is downright profound....but mostly, it's fun."
  • "In Kumar's probing, capable, irreverent hands, [this] journey is a delight to share in."
    Shelf Awareness **starred** review

On Sale
Jan 16, 2018
Page Count
256 pages
Seal Press

Anjali Kumar_Stalking God

Anjali Kumar

About the Author

Anjali Kumar was the Founding General Counsel and Head of Social Innovation at Warby Parker, a leader for socially conscious businesses. Prior to joining Warby Parker, Anjali was Senior Counsel at Google, working on projects ranging from Google X to YouTube. Anjali curated and hosted the @Google Speaker Series on campus in New York City, where she also hosted a YouTube interview series “Lunchtime at Google.”

Anjali is currently an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School. She also serves as an advisor to prominent technology companies, luxury fashion brands, consumer products, and non-profit organizations, including Malala Fund,, and

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