The Office of the Dead


By Andrew Taylor

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Trade Paperback


Trade Paperback $15.99

Janet Byfield has everything Wendy Appleyard lacks: she’s beautiful; she has a handsome husband, a clergyman on the verge of a promotion; and most of all she has an adorable little daughter, Rosie. So when Wendy’s life falls apart, it’s to her oldest friend, Janet, that she turns.

At first it seems to Wendy as though nothing can touch the Byfields’ perfect existence in 1950s Cathedral Close, Rosington, but old sins gradually come back to haunt the present, and new sins are bred in their place. The shadow of death seeps through the Close, and only Wendy, the outsider, is able to glimpse the truth. But can she grasp its dark and twisted logic in time to prevent a tragedy whose roots lie buried deep in the past

The Office of the Dead is a chilling novel of crime and retribution, and is the third volume of Andrew Taylor’s stunning and acclaimed Roth Trilogy.

On Sale
Feb 17, 2009
Page Count
448 pages

Andrew Taylor

About the Author

Andrew Taylor is the author of many crime and suspense novels. The recipient of the Crime Writers’ Association 2009 Cartier Diamond Dagger for sustained excellence in crime writing, Taylor has also won the CWA’s John Creasey Award, an Edgar Scroll from the Mystery Writers of America, an Audie, and two CWA’s Ellis Peters Historical Daggers (a unique achievement), as well as a shortlisting for the CWA’s Gold Dagger. His website is

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