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  • Secret rooms, eerie curses, forgotten caves. Could you survive a week in the Underlook Hotel? Aspiring engineer Suzy Hess is invited to the famous Underlook Hotel, domain of the reclusive horror writer Jack Axworth, in the mountains above her hometown of… Read More

  • “Marcks…has accomplished an unusual feat with cinematic homage” —The New York Times Book Review  "Distinct and relatable…a lovely read" —Molly Knox Ostertag, bestselling creator of the Witch Boy series When a Hollywood film crew arrives on Martha's Vineyard with a mechanical shark… Read More

Ira Marcks

About the Author

Ira Marcks is a cartoonist living in Upstate New York with his wife, their cat and dog, and lots of books he’s been meaning to read. He is the author of Shark Summer and Spirit Week. His love for ancient magic and possible futures has led him to create a warehouse of esoteric objects for the Hugo Award-winning magazine Weird Tales and to tell stories about villainous technology for the European Research Council.

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