M. R. Weisbord

About the Author

Marvin R. Weisbord is Vice President and Director of Organization Research & Development., a Division of Block Petrella Associates, Inc., in which firm he is a partner. He has had a diverse career as college teacher, writer, and executive vice president of a small company. Mr. Weisbord earned his B.S. degree at the University of Illinois and his M.A. degree from the State University of Iowa. He has done graduate work in the social and behavioral sciences at the Pennsylvania State University and the University of Pennsylvania. He has written many articles on the theory and practice of organization development and is an associate editor of the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science. Mr. Weisbord's consulting clients have included industrial firms, government agencies, medical schools, a public TV station, a women's college, and an urban police force. He is also a Senior Fellow of the Leonard Davis Insitute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania.

By the Author