Laura Marks

Laura Marks M.D.

About the Author

Laura M. Marks, MD, a pediatrician at Willows Pediatric Group in Westport, Connecticut, breastfed her own three children and is expert at guiding other women through the process.  A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and Yale University School of Medicine, she is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society.  She interned at Harvard University Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital, and completed her residency at Children’s Hospital at Yale New Haven Medical Center.

With her husband, David Marks, MD, Dr. Marks coauthored The Headache Prevention Cookbook: Eating Right to Prevent Migraines and Other Headaches. She is the Medical Advisor to the Weston (Connecticut) School District and is on the Pediatric Executive Committee of Norwalk Hospital. Dr. Marks is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’s Section on Breastfeeding Medicine, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and La Leche League International.

Sally Wendkos Olds has written extensively about relationships, health, and personal growth. She has won national awards for her writing, including the Career Achievement Award of the American Society of Journalists and Authors, of which she is a member and a past president. Ms. Olds’ college textbooks on child and adult development, co-authored with psychologist Diane E. Papalia, Ph.D., have been read by more than two million students and are the leading texts in their fields. She is also the author of Super Granny: Great Stuff to Do with Your Grandkids, The Working Parents’ Survival Guide, and The Eternal Garden: Seasons of Our Sexuality, and the coauthor of Helping Your Child Find Values to Live By and Raising a Hyperactive Child.

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Ms. Olds is a member of La Leche League International, International Childbirth Education Association, the Authors Guild, and other professional and civic organizations. She nursed her three daughters and is the proud grandmother of five breastfed children. Visit her at her website:

By the Author