Daniel M Look, PhD
About the Author
Daniel Look received his PhD from Boston University studying Complex Dynamics and he currently serves as the Rutherford Professor of Mathematics at St. Lawrence University in frozen northern New York (known affectionally as the North Country). His current research includes the dynamics of rational functions, text mining/stylometry, popular culture uses of mathematics in early 20th century pulp fiction, and mathematics pedagogy. Among other work, he has performed stylometric analyses of Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories and their various pastiches and written about H. P. Lovecraft’s use of non-Euclidean geometry for an invited paper in Lovecraft Annual. In his non-professional time, Dan enjoys adventuring with his amazing spouse and their four cats, playing Dungeons & Dragons, running, and running while thinking about playing Dungeons & Dragons. He also has 20 math-related tattoos.