Andrew Bustamante
About the Author
Andrew Bustamante is a former clandestine CIA intelligence officer and co-founder of EverydaySpy, a one-of-a-kind training platform for adapting the skills of intelligence operatives for business and life. He hosts the EverydaySpy Podcast, an iTunes top 100 podcast rated in the top .5% of all podcasts worldwide; serves as a go-to expert for international news and security issues; and is a highly sought-after public speaker and respected corporate consultant who has been featured by award-winning news outlets The Tampa Bay Times and Business Insider, major podcast platforms including Diary of a CEO and Lex Friedman, as well as international TV outlets including FOX, ABC, and the History Channel. A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and decorated US Air Force combat veteran, he spent the bulk of his military career specializing in nuclear ICBM operations. After winning decorations in both Afghanistan and Iraq, he was recruited into CIA’s National Clandestine Service (NCS), where he served for seven years handling sensitive operations still classified Top Secret. Proud parents, Andrew and his wife Jihi left CIA to pursue a new mission: building their family and their company.
Jihi Bustamante is a former clandestine CIA targeting officer and co-founder of EverydaySpy. After earning a master of social work and a juris doctor, she was recruited into CIA’s National Clandestine Service from a career in social work supporting refugee children and survivors of torture. Unlike her public-facing husband, she remains private in both her personal and professional lives.