Happy Thanksgiving Day


By Jill Roman Lord

Formats and Prices




$11.99 CAD



  1. Board book $8.99 $11.99 CAD
  2. Board book $7.99 $10.99 CAD

A touch-and-feel book that celebrates Thanksgiving and encourages gratitude for blessings in a child’s life. In this new touch-and-feel board book, textures and bright artwork bring to life the things children experience at Thanksgiving. The narrator lists things for which he or she is thankful. Tactile experiences throughout the book engage the reader and help children to connect the book to the textures in their actual surroundings. Soft, vibrant watercolor illustrations add warmth and sweetness to the book. Ages 2-5.

On Sale
Jul 30, 2010
Page Count
16 pages

Jill Roman Lord

About the Author

Jill Roman Lord is an award-winning author and a nurse anesthetist. She won her first writing award in first grade and has written ever since. Her many children’s books include If Jesus Lived Inside My Heart, The Silent Noisy Night, and God Made You Just Right. She lives in Charlotte, North Carolina, and enjoys running with her golden retriever, golfing with her husband and son, sipping coffee with her girls, and traveling.

Sally Garland grew up in the small Scottish town of Alness and studied Illustration at Edinburgh College Of Art. She’s had a passion for drawing and for children’s literature and illustration since she was a child. Sally works both digitally and traditionally, and recently, she’s been enjoying experimenting with simple block printing techniques, watercolor, and writing her own stories. She lives in Glasgow with her partner and young son.

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